Economia Civile
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EdC - Economy of Comunion

EoC - Economy of Comunione

The Economy of Communion (EoC) or Civil Economy is a movement involving entrepreneurs, enterprises, associations, economic institutions, but also workers, managers, consumers, savers, scholars, economic operators, the poor, citizens, families. It was founded by Chiara Lubich in May 1991 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Its aim is to contribute, to give life to companies that work for the common good and that feel it is their mission to do good, to help build a fairer and more humane economic system and society.

Those who, at any level, adhere to the EoC commit themselves to living in the light of the values and culture of sharing, both as individuals and in the organisations in which they work, and to be its animator and promoter.

The backbone of the EoC is represented by businesses or productive organisations of various legal forms, including non-profit, social and civil enterprises, cooperatives, associations...) that decide to adopt the EoC culture and values in their practice.

EoC enterprises are committed to generating new wealth and creating new jobs, with creativity and innovation, while respecting each individual.


Some prerequisites for an EoC enterprise are :

the openness to allocate a part of the company profits, when they exist, according to the three aims of the project, which are: (1) concrete help to the poorest, (2) the formation of "new people", (3) the development of the company
To inspire one's corporate governance with respect and to conceive one's company and/or action as a place and a tool to reduce poverty and injustice, both in one's local context and globally.

The EoC also initiates a movement of thought and ideas, in an authentic dialogue with contemporary culture and with the civil, solidarity and social economy on a local and international level.

The EoC cooperates with the various initiatives of civil and political society, of which it feels to be a vital expression and instrument of unity.

This gave rise to the Gelato Sole project, the 'Let's Share' day and the project for our adoptions.


1. Red: Entrepreneurs, Workers and Enterprise

Enterprises that adhere to the communion economy define their 'corporate mission' by adopting sharing as a core value of their organisation, at every level.

2. Orange: The relationship with customers, suppliers, lenders, civil society and external stakeholders

The members of the company are professionally committed to building and strengthening good and open relationships with customers, suppliers and the local community.

3. Yellow: Ethics

The work of the EoC is seen as an opportunity for not only professional but also ethical growth. The company is committed to concrete compliance with laws and works for change and improvement.

4. Green: Quality of life, happiness and relationships

One of the fundamental goals of an EoC company is to become a community.

5. Blue: Harmony in the working environment

The beauty and harmony of the workplace is the first calling card of an EoC company, because communion is also beauty, without the need for luxury, but for sobriety.

6. Indigo: Training, education, wisdom

The company encourages a climate of mutual trust among its members, in which it is natural to freely make one's talents, ideas and skills available for the benefit of the professional growth of colleagues and for the progress of the company.

7. Violet: Communication

Entrepreneurs who are members of the EoC constantly work to create a climate of open and sincere communication that fosters the exchange of ideas and information between all levels of responsibility.

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